The SLDNN have different sub-groups to represent different roles within Learning Disability Nursing in Scotland. The Student sub-group was established in 2014, and championed joint working between both Edinburgh Napier University and Glasgow Caledonian University.
The Student sub-groups original aims were to;
- Discuss issues relating to pre-reg nursing/ LD nursing students
- Feedback to the SLDNN steering group
- Develop links between LD student nurses and RNLD's
- Share knowledge and experience
Since the original aims, the student sub-group have really developed and worked collaboratively to move forward. There are two Co-chairs, Corrine Taylor from GCU and Joe Sommerville from ENU. They liase with the current SLDNN Steering group, and work with students from both universities to develop the sub-group. The rest of the sub-group will be introduced over the coming weeks on our blog, and hopefully in no time at all, we'll feel like old friends! We hope you enjoy learning a bit more about us, and the exciting plans we have to develop the student sub-group.
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